Madness of Two ~ A Poem

a kiss from my lips fills your hallow chasm

it drives you insane

it gets vile temptations to dart through your brain

my greatest victory is getting you to sip from my poisoned grail

drink it up

over and over again

how I love to intoxicate you

so I can be free

so I can inhale the sweet air you rob me of

how odd that the very hands that hold you at night

and the eyes that you ever so gracefully gaze into

are the same ones that are eager to keep you quenching your thirst

encouraging you to savour my addictive chalice

sipping from my toxic lips

I am a terror

I burn in the bitterest of winters

but I beg for your electric touches

that fire me up when I am low

and ignite me when I am high

I love to call you to my web

to wrap you in my silk

and drain you from your sweet, sweet blood

I am dangerous

and though it may not show from the quiver in my lip

or the sparks in my fingertips

it illuminates in my soul

I escape to you

when my heart craves for your embrace

when I need a backbone to fill my frame

and as soon as my desire is fulfilled

I disappear

just like a phantom

and while you ask me if I’ll ever come back

I smirk knowing that I’ll always return

I often reminisce upon your gallant promise

that we would soar

high in the dark night

to make the bodies below us tremble

in horror of the unknown

but I still fear

that when you stand before me

and tilt my head back ever so slightly

to lock your enticing eyes with mine

you see the cosmos hidden behind my dark pupils

and tremble

thinking to yourself

she is wicked

but when you make my ruthless barrier shatter

my purest being emerges

that craves for love and affection

and that houses no destruction or malice

I start to reciprocate your love

in ways I never allowed myself to

you leave me speechless

and I am left unable to crush your disfigured heart with my evil actions

I cannot fathom your eternal light

for it is embedded within me

and while you calm my sizzling flame

I then truly understand

that we, darling, are lethal

we kill with our venom

yet our hearts never divide

I am aware of our toxicity

but that is us

and how I love us

how I adore the madness of two

~ This poem was inspired by the GIF shown as the feature image. It is of two snakes that transform into humans and eventually kiss. I found this quite interesting because snakes are often portrayed as “two-faced” and untrustworthy. This was a bizarre idea to me, in that they immediately did something so intimate and pure. I decided to write this poem illustrating the concept that couples are often influenced or persuaded to “play games” with each other.  Relationships are sometimes “on and off” or in other words, the participants sometimes act as couples and sometimes don’t. This reciprocates the GIF in that snakes are also “on and off” due to the fact that are deceitful. I described this idea as a game that people play thinking that it initiates love, and in some circumstances it does, but more than often love is definitely not one of the attributes that is developed. This is the way our sick, yet modernized society presents this emotion, therefore causing individuals to respond to the false characterization of love.



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